
Transit Services via IRAN

Due to Iran’s geographical location and its natural assets: I.E
  • The Caspian sea
  • The southern ports and access to the open seas
  • Linking the C.I.S railways with Iran via Serakhs & Inchebouron
  • Linking the Europe & Turkey railways with Iran via Razi
  • The land borders with: Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkey, Afghanistan and Pakistan
As well as good roads and port facilities and highly skilled manpower have contributed in establishing –TRANSIT VIA IRAN – as highly efficient route and there are firm indications that the steady and substantial growth in the volume of the movement of CIS, Afghanistan, Turkey, Russia cargo thorough the IRAN CORRIDOR are maintained on merit and competitiveness.

Transit Services :

We are offering domestic as well as international transit services.  The domestic transit services applies for carriage of import shipments within territory of Iran from entry sea ports or air ports and or borders to local customs houses or special economic zones situated inside the country.
The external transit services are for carriage of international transit goods via Iran to 3rd receiving countries.When Goods sent for transit via Iranian territory it should be declared to the customs under heading of transit and the transit clause “REMOVAL IN TRANSIT - RIT” and the name of transit forwarding company has to be stipulated in the MBL, MAWB or B/L.
The transit cargo can be moved in transit with temporary suspension of Customs duties & VAT and in this case the movements of goods via or within Iran are subject to lodging transit bonds and liability by a licensed transport co.  The  liability of transport co are released when providing proof to customs that the goods has reached to intended local customs house or has exited the border.

Documents required for transit:

Copies of:    Bill of Lading – Purchase Invoice – Packing List – Certificate of Origin
Originals of:  Insurance Certificate – Phytosanitary Certificate – Bill of Lading
PLUS : Container release order and delivery order permit.
Restricted Cargo : Alcohol Drinks and military

Our Transit Services include:

  • Process documents furnished and make declaration to customs for transit permit.
  • Perform transit formalities, customs clearance and pay dues and charges at shortest time.
  • Offer variety of transport modes and services including Truck,Rail,Sea,and or Multimodal services depending on cargo destination and cargo type.
  • Provide on-carriage and transport services at most competitive rates and transit time to specified destination.
  • Arrange border clearance outwards. Delivery to final consignee free on truck or free on rail.
  • Monitor movement of each consignment and provide position and the progress reports.

Other related Transit information :

Please select and click on any below subject of interest:

A) IRAN Entry and Transit Points
B) Main C.I.S. Destinations served by us